Vintage Excellent Kitchen Aid Attachments Pelican, Meat Grinder, Grain Mill, etc

Vintage Excellent Kitchen Aid Attachments Pelican, Meat Grinder, Grain Mill, etc
Vintage Excellent Kitchen Aid Attachments Pelican, Meat Grinder, Grain Mill, etc
Vintage Excellent Kitchen Aid Attachments Pelican, Meat Grinder, Grain Mill, etc

Vintage Excellent Kitchen Aid Attachments Pelican, Meat Grinder, Grain Mill, etc
I had these for my Hobart N50 (same #10 hub size as most kitchen aids like K5A K5-A). Original “Pelican” shredder / slicer attachment. Complete with the original wood plunger, shred disc, slice disc, and housing. Original Meat Grinder attachment with wooden pusher, auger, plate and nut. Original Grain Mill attachment (I have the original box for this). Original Can Opener attachment. Original Kitchenaid Hobart Colander Sieve Food Mill Attachment. All of these are in great original condition as seen in photos. Most appear never used.
Vintage Excellent Kitchen Aid Attachments Pelican, Meat Grinder, Grain Mill, etc

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