Hobart Meat grinder Head Cylinder #32

Hobart Meat grinder Head Cylinder #32
Hobart Meat grinder Head Cylinder #32
Hobart Meat grinder Head Cylinder #32

Hobart Meat grinder Head Cylinder #32
Picked up a bunch of stuff on trade that I don’t need but could be useful to someone out there at a great price. Everything is from a restaurant that went out of business and liquidated their assets. Unless specified, it is known to have worked prior to removal. I don’t know anything about the business. I just used some regular dish soap to knock the dust off everyhing. I didn’t want to use anything stronger than that for fear of messing anything up. That’s probably the longest way of saying that this item is in used condition and will more than likely need to be cleaned in accordance with industry standards prior to use. Thanks for looking and hope to hear from you soon.
Hobart Meat grinder Head Cylinder #32
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