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#22 Meat Grinder Plates, Knife Set HQ SS for Hobart, LEM, Cabelas, MTN etc

22_Meat_Grinder_Plates_Knife_Set_HQ_SS_for_Hobart_LEM_Cabelas_MTN_etc_01_wfrr #22 Meat Grinder (3) Plates, (1) Knife Set. High Quality 420 Stainless Steel. Reversible meat grinder plate design allows for 2x wear life! 3mm (1/8″) , 6mm (1/4″), and 10mm (3/8) plates cover the most common grinds. Professional, Consistent, and Uniform grind. High Quality and precision manufactured. Easy care instructions: Handwash. Dry completely, lightly coat […] Continue reading →