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Commercial Meat Tenderizer Cuber Heavy Duty Steak Flatten Hobart Kitchen Tool

Commercial_Meat_Tenderizer_Cuber_Heavy_Duty_Steak_Flatten_Hobart_Kitchen_Tool_01_mpvt Commercial Meat Tenderizer Cuber Heavy Duty Steak Flatten Hobart Kitchen Tool. The meat tenderizer machine best kitchen tools for tenderizing, marinade, bbq & flavor maximizer. The meat cuber tenderizer helps marinate tough cuts of meat without pounding. Clamp-on design will attach to your table or counter top. Plastic cover protects user. The meat tenderizer needle […] Continue reading →

Hobart MG2032 Meat Grinder

Hobart_MG2032_Meat_Grinder_01_isn Hobart’s MG2032-1 prime meat mixer grinder has a 200-pound hopper capacity that can mix and grind meat for the best quality. With a 7.5-horsepower grind motor and 1-horsepower mix motor, this stainless steel finished unit has an exclusive wedge cylinder that assure full rate feeding for entire batches of products. There is a side feed […] Continue reading →