Hobart HCM Mixer Cutter. Hobart VCM MIxer Cutters. LARGEST SUPPLIER OF REFURBISHED MIXERS CUTTERS AND CHOPPERS IN THE USA. Hobart Motor Control Board HCM450 278328. Hobart Motor Control Board HCM450 Cutter/Mixer Also fits HCM-300 M802 -V1401 Mixer and 4346 4352 Meat Grinder. Current products scrolling bar. Sales & return policies. We also reserve the right to change or modify descriptions and or pictures and serial numbers if needed due to repeat listings and or errors. Repairing and or tampered with equipment without contacting us 1st with a known issue will void any and all warranties or claims. Any disputes that cannot be remedied by normal an or website means will be arbitrated under All Pro Enterprises LLC under the legal jurisdiction in the state of Delaware. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to determine whether each product is suitable for their intended use and if export to that location is feasible. We will do everything we can to put it right. Filed cases without contact with us will result in blockage from all associated AP-EZ stores and websites. So please let us know if there are any issues. Thank You For Shopping With Us.